Unintended consequences in policy implementation
Policies, legal texts, and economic programs often create organisational realities that are completely different from the ones they depict. How can policy makers and regulators take this into account to better support organisations?

Organising medical algorithms and other technologies
Introducing new technologies to medical and social care organisations without correctly incorporating the expert elicitation of diagnostic signs is dangerous. What do we need to know about the organisation of technologies to introduce them to organisations more safely?

The emergency management paradox
Government agencies tasked with protecting a territorial population and their property rely on risk management to anticipate and prepare for unanticipated events. What are the consequences of trusting risk management to know about these events, when they are by definition unknowable?

Uncertainty and ethics in research methods
Social scientists use a variety of research methods to account for uncertainty in their data. What if the data depicts a world that is more certain than it is in reality?